Sunday, March 28, 2010

Malaysian Fresh Water Fish

(Hampala macrolepidota)
This is probably our liveliest sportfish! Weight for weight, I personally rank it as the hardest fighting freshwater fish in Malaysia! From the sudden thumping strike till the last seconds before it is landed, the sebarau just never gives up fighting the angler!
In comparing it to the fish of the temperate climates, I'd say its traits are similar to the rainbow trout. The sebarau readily takes artificial lures with its aggressive character. The habitat too is very similar.
It can be found in the larger streams, rivers, old mining ponds with streams running in, lakes and dams. They will lurk around structure in the flowing water. Using the eddies of fallen trees, branches and rocks to wait for passing prey. In still waters, the smaller sebarau can be found in and around shallow weedbeds. However the bigger sebarau will take up residence in deep waters. Areas with submerged tree trunks or fallen logs will produce sizable sebarau that sit in these deep waters.

Sebarau up to a kilo give great sport on light casting tackle. Bigger sebarau require heavier tackle especially in snaggy areas. A sebarau over 2 kilos would be regarded as a rewarding catch. Sebarau as big as 5-7 kilos have been caught.

Artificial lures like spoons, soft plastics, spinners, spinnerbaits and minnow profile plugs readily account for most of the sebarau caught. Flies like poppers, clouser minnow and deceivers will work for the fly fisherman

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Silver Arowana

Hye everybody..

The Silver Arowana comes from the Amazon River in South America. They are very beautiful and a fascinating fish to watch. However, because of their huge adult size of 35 - 40 inches (89 - 102 cm) they are not recommended for the beginning aquarist. Actually, this is one of those fish that are probably best kept in the wild or in huge public aquariums. The Arowana requires at least a 200 gallon (750 liters) tank to adequately keep them. You also need an excellent aquarium filter such as an external canister filter. Arowanas are also excellent jumpers so you will need a good, tight fitting hood with no escape holes. In the wild, the Silver Arowana can jump out of the water at insects and small animals on overhanging branches.

Because of their potential adult size, there are not many compatible tank mates that quickly come to mind but you may be able to keep an Arowana with a larger Common Pleco.

This fish is definitely one fish species that is best left to the experts and public aquariums.
